Why Switch?

Watch three charities who switched to Eproductive explain why…

Best system for Gift Aid

Market Leading Tech

Great Customer Service

“We did a seconds count on how long it takes to get an item, to produce a barcode, to do that kind of process; on our old system it was quite clunky and you had to go through a number of different categories and it would take about 15 seconds…

…on the Eproductive system it takes 2.”

“The first quarter we've had the new EPOS system the Gift Aid sales conversion has been really, really spectacular. The reason the gift aid sales conversion has gone up so dramatically is that the system allows for the processing of stock very efficiently, right from the beginning when a donor is signed up through to actually processing the stock for sale.”

“For how big the transition was, the disruption was quite minimal. We all felt really supported both in person and over the phone, and through the help desk. Whenever we had a query or a question, they would come back to us more or less straight away.

And since then Tracy, Sonia and Phil have gone out of their way constantly every week to support us.”

“As well as needing all the things that an EPOS system needs to do, we wanted to work with a company that was right in two other really key areas. One of those was the ongoing customer service, and the other was the culture of the organization. So as part of our process looking at new suppliers we did visit all the head offices on the shortlist and we just liked the culture at Eproductive, the team seemed very motivated and there was a good atmosphere in the whole office.”

“Having a system that can calculate the amount of CO2 saved, can look at the number of items we've kept out of landfill, that can produce that kind of information for us is incredibly useful. I don't know of another EPOS system that produces that data to that level other than Eproductive.”

“Compared to last year, the trustees can clearly see how important that transition over to Eproductive was. For us to see that increase to where we're at now is incredible, and we've got some shops over 50%” (Gift Aid Sales Conversion)